Where do I start?! Schedule a free discovery call with Charis. This is a 20-30 minute phone call to discover generally where you are, and what goals you have and what direction you would like to move in.

What is Nutrition Therapy? Nutrition therapy is a holistic way of looking at that foods the body needs to function optimally. It looks at what signs and signals your body might be giving you and investigates the cause, rather than just putting a band-aid on your symptoms. For example, if you have heartburn, we would investigate why you might have heartburn rather than advising you to take an acid blocker medication.  Charis uses cutting edge technology to investigate what foods you are sensitive to and what nutrient deficiencies you may have.  This information is imperative to help you maximize your nutrition and give your body exactly what it needs to function and feel great!

How do I know which program to choose? During your discovery call with Charis, you will have more clarity about what program will suit your needs. She will recommend a few options for you to choose from. Clients with medical issues, autoimmune disorders, anxiety and/or depression and significant sugar addictions will need to allow more time for their body to recover and heal.

How do I know if health coaching with Anna Kluver-Fensler is a good fit for me?   Health coaching is a very important part of the health journey for many people.  Working with Charis and Anna together offers you a well rounded approach to your health.  Anna and Charis share similar values and ways of thinking when it comes to health.  As a nutrition expert, Charis loves to help you adapt your planning, shopping, cooking and prepping to your new way of eating.  She develops a personalized program for you based on your nutritional needs.  Anna is excellent at meeting you where you’re at and helping you prioritize where to start focusing on your over all health.  In conjunction to working with Charis on your nutrition, working with Anna to maintain accountability, explore your relationship with food and ensure that your wellness buckets are being addressed, is the perfect marriage to help you reach your goals.