I'm Charis Sederberg
Certified Nutrition Therapist in Denver, CO
I took control of my health, you can too.
I struggled with poor digestion for as long as I can remember. I won’t bore you with the details but I can remember spending a lot of time in the bathroom as a pre-teen and teenager. I also have vivid memories of panicking at school needing to know where the bathroom was. That lasted well into my adulthood and at times would consume my life.
As an oncology nurse I took care of patients during a critical time of their life: during their cancer treatment. They suffered from terrible symptoms from their treatment and I knew all of the tricks with meds to help them feel better. The problem was I couldn’t help myself feel better. With access to amazing doctors who worked diligently to help me find a solution to my heartburn, bloating, constipation and IBS symptoms, I was given no real answers to the cause of my distress.
I finally realized that using medicine as a band-aid didn’t always work and so I looked to find the real cause of my struggles. I couldn’t find a practitioner to help me with that either, conventional or functional. “Your labs and tests are all normal” I would hear this over and over. And in defense of these doctors, they were doing everything they were trained to do. It really wasn’t their fault. The truth was that the western medicine strategies and even band-aid functional supplements were not going to fix my digestive symptoms.
After the birth of my boys, more than my digestion was suffering. I struggled with excess weight I couldn’t release in my early 40’s, poor energy and sleep and horrible cravings. This could easily be explained: I was told: I had two small children. My suffering was shoved under the carpet with the guidance to eat less and move more. “You need to sleep more and exercise”, I was often told. The problem was that I had zero energy to exercise and I had done many things to sleep better with no avail. It’s impossible to just sleep “better” or “more”. I still cringe when I hear someone say that.
A friend introduced me to a popular elimination diet with big promises to fix all of my health worries. I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. I took my health into my own hands and changed my diet.
This one decision changed my life.
I found the Nutrition Therapy Institute and repaired my own digestion. This improved my energy and eventually my sleep. I realized I had to help others after I heard story after story of other women who shared some or all of my story.
But my journey was a rollercoaster. There was lots of trial and error, ups and downs. I didn’t really have any guidance and tried all of the strategies. I slowly changed the way that my whole family ate. The results in my children were astounding. I was beyond motivated to make these changes stick.
The problem: It took me and my family years to feel better. This is unacceptable. You don’t have to waste years of your life and hundreds or thousands of dollars to try every new health tactic. I needed foundational holistic health practices. It took me way to long to figure that out. You can heal much quicker!

As Heard On...
My goal is for you to learn what your body needs and to feel confident in your health practices. No fads, gimmicks or empty promises.
When we work together you will benefit from programs that establish those foundational holistic practices. Because the reality is that you can pop the medicine, or take supplements for energy or sleep and they may help you a bit. But if you are burning the candle, over or under exercising, not prioritizing sleep and eating a processed food diet, you will not improve your health.
I want you to feel like yourself again and I know you want that too. You have been through the band-aid approaches or tried all of the different supplements, treatment or big promise programs. But don’t worry, because you have finally found the way to truly Harness Your Health! Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here.